
New York's Peachy Deegan (Whom You Know) - Product Review

March 22, 2017 0 Comments

New York's Peachy Deegan (Whom You Know) - Product Review


Peachy Deegan (Whom You Know) - Hot Chocolate Gift Bag Product Review 

Huge thanks to Manhattan's very own Peachy Deegan (www.Whomyouknow.com), for such a great review of our Hot Chocolate Gift Bags.

Peachy contacted us a few weeks ago to discuss the possibility of doing a review on our products. Little did any of us know that the arrival of our Hot Chocolate Gift Bags in New York, would coincide with a bout of snowy arctic blizzards!! Perfect timing, what better way to keep out the cold than by curling up with a delicious mug of luxury Belgian Hot Chocolate!!


Peachy Deegan 'Whom You Know' - Product Review

'Whom You Know identifies' and reviews the best in fashion, entertainment, books, cinema, music, sports and cuisine primarily on the USA East Coast. With over 21,000 posts on the tremendously popular “WHOM YOU KNOW” site and 80,000 Twitter followers, viewers are inspired to purchase the products and services reviewed in over 100 columns on the site.

Peachy Deegan is ranked in the top 1% of Klear influencers and has Klout score of 66 which is in the top 5% globally.

She is in the top 500 in #luxury #chef #fashiondesign and #luxurygastronomy according to agilience.com.

Whom You Know was founded in 2009 to feature the best of Manhattan and now it covers excellence everywhere, particularly in top American cities, Ireland and the UK.